Difference between revisions of "Module:TNT"

644 bytes added ,  22:16, 5 May 2019
breaking: ignore lang param in format(), use formatInLanguage() instead
(optimize libraryUtil loading only when needed)
(breaking: ignore lang param in format(), use formatInLanguage() instead)
Line 59: Line 59:

-- Identical to p.msg() above, but used from other lua modules
-- Identical to p.msg() above, but used from other lua modules
function p.format(dataset, key, params, lang)
-- Parameters:  name of dataset, message key, optional arguments
-- Example with 2 params:  format('I18n/Module:TNT', 'error_bad_msgkey', 'my-key', 'my-dataset')
function p.format(dataset, key, ...)
local checkType = require('libraryUtil').checkType
local checkType = require('libraryUtil').checkType
checkType('format', 1, dataset, 'string')
checkType('format', 1, dataset, 'string')
checkType('format', 2, key, 'string')
checkType('format', 2, key, 'string')
checkType('format', 3, params, 'table', true)
return formatMessage(dataset, key, {...})
checkType('format', 4, lang, 'string', true)
return formatMessage(dataset, key, params, lang)
-- Identical to p.msg() above, but used from other lua modules with the language param
-- Parameters:  language code, name of dataset, message key, optional arguments
-- Example with 2 params:  formatInLanguage('es', I18n/Module:TNT', 'error_bad_msgkey', 'my-key', 'my-dataset')
function p.formatInLanguage(lang, dataset, key, ...)
local checkType = require('libraryUtil').checkType
checkType('formatInLanguage', 1, lang, 'string')
checkType('formatInLanguage', 2, dataset, 'string')
checkType('formatInLanguage', 3, key, 'string')
return formatMessage(dataset, key, {...}, lang)

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