
< Template:Extension
Revision as of 19:45, 24 October 2012 by >Luis1982


<head> <meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Word 11 (filtered)"> <title>BIOPHYSICS EXPERIMENT</title> <style> </style>


<body lang=ES link=blue vlink=purple>

<a name="_Toc136611554">Word2MediaWikiPlus demo document</a>




=About this software=


Word2MediaWikiPlus is a set of Visual Basic macros that converts Microsoft Word document contents to MediaWiki markup.




Usage requires a running copy of Microsoft Word that supports Visual Basic macros (Word 2000 to 2003).




Information about this tool is here:




[http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Word2MediaWikiPlus http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Word2MediaWikiPlus]




<a name="_Toc136611550"> </a>






This is a complex table:





Text 1




Background colors

Background colors

Background colors



centered and colors




and some blank






justified text is not supported by MediaWiki. I need to write a litte more in this cell so there is enough text to see the effects of justification

Merged cells

Horizontally merged

Merging has limitations!

Merged cells
vertically 1

Vertically merged

nested tables:





merged and right





with text above and below



Merging has limitations!

Merged cells
vertically 2











This part of the macro will not work unless you (yes: you) customized it correctly!




The macro can convert pictures. It uses the MS Photo Editor. If you do not have it installed, you need to install it. You find it on your office CD. Run the installation routine an choose MS Photo Editor.




Included pictures are easy, but you need to customize the macro first.

* The picture will be extracted as png (Portable Networks Graphics).

* Optional: The pictures can be converted to png (use for screenshots), jpg (use for photos) or gif.

* Optional: if you can program, you may use your own converter, look in the code.

* Optional: The converted pictures can be automatically uploaded to your wiki.

* since both optional features use sendkeys, they might not work in your environment and must be customized






<img width=624 height=378 src="PasteInHere_archivos/image003.jpg">






Sitting above the text:


<img width=625 height=379 src="PasteInHere_archivos/image004.jpg">




More text below.




To Do: What



