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Revision as of 14:52, 30 May 2007 by (talk)
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This is a OM2 Platform Feature
Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: unknown

Type: {{{type}}}
Description: {{{description}}}
Author: {{{author}}}
Version: {{{version}}}
Download: {{{download}}}
Parameters: {{{parameters}}}
Example: {{{example}}}


This template should be added to the main page of all OM2 platform function or class descriptions documented on this wiki (and only the main page). It will add a useful infobox using the information supplied (see below) and will automatically add the feature to the OM2 Project.


name name of the platform feature
status current release status

One of:

  • unstable (broken - do not use this extension)
  • experimental (early stages of development, may change drastically.)
  • beta (stable but not fully tested)
  • stable (stable version)
  • unknown (default)
type type of extension

Can contain any value, but the following special values ensure proper categorisation:

  • function - Global Function
  • class - Platform PHP Class
  • module - OM2 Module Resource
Please add to this list if necessary
author author of the extension
image screenshot (of base 270px)
version last version
update date of the last update
readme link to the readme file
changelog link to the changelog file
description short description
parameters available parameters for common.php (if needed)
example example, website or screenshot of working feature
|name      = 
|status    =
|type      =
|author    =
|image     =
|version   =
|update    =
|readme    =
|changelog =
|description =
|example   =