Difference between revisions of "Module:Extension"

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(SPDX codes per discussion)
(add AGPL-3.0)
Line 15: Line 15:
['GPL-3.0']  = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public License 3.0]', cats.GPL },
['GPL-3.0']  = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public License 3.0]', cats.GPL },
['GPL-3.0+']  = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public License 3.0] or later', cats.GPL },
['GPL-3.0+']  = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public License 3.0] or later', cats.GPL },
['AGPL-3.0']  = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License 3.0]', cats.GPL },
['AGPL-3.0+'] = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License 3.0] or later', cats.GPL },
['AGPL-3.0+'] = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License 3.0] or later', cats.GPL },
['LGPL']      = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'copyleft/lesser.html GNU Lesser General Public License]' },
['LGPL']      = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'copyleft/lesser.html GNU Lesser General Public License]' },

Revision as of 15:31, 19 December 2014

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Extension/doc

local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local translation = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'translation' }
local addr = {
	GNU = '//www.gnu.org/',
	CC  = '//creativecommons.org/licenses/'
local cats = {
	GPL = 'GPL licensed extensions',
	CC  = 'Creative Commons licensed extensions'
local licenses = {
	['GPL']       = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License]', cats.GPL },
	['GPL-2.0']   = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU General Public License 2.0]', cats.GPL },
	['GPL-2.0+']  = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU General Public License 2.0] or later', cats.GPL },
	['GPL-3.0']   = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public License 3.0]', cats.GPL },
	['GPL-3.0+']  = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public License 3.0] or later', cats.GPL },
	['AGPL-3.0']  = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License 3.0]', cats.GPL },
	['AGPL-3.0+'] = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License 3.0] or later', cats.GPL },
	['LGPL']      = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'copyleft/lesser.html GNU Lesser General Public License]' },
	['LGPL-3.0']  = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/lgpl-3.0.html GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0]' },
	['FDL']       = { '[' .. addr.GNU .. 'licenses/fdl.html GNU Free Documentation License]' },
local types = {
	ajax                = { '[[w:AJAX|Ajax]]',                                        'Ajax extensions' },
	api                 = { '[[API:Main page|API]]',                                  'API extensions' },
	['beta feature']    = { '[[Beta Features|Beta Feature]]',                         'Beta Feature extensions' },
	contenthandler      = { '[[Manual:ContentHandler|ContentHandler]]',               'ContentHandler extensions' },
	database            = { '[[Manual:Database layout|Database]]',                    'Database extensions' },
	db                  = { 'Database',                                               'Database extensions' },
	['data extraction'] = { 'Data extraction',                                        'Data extraction extensions' },
	example             = { 'Example',                                                'Extension examples' },
	['extended syntax'] = { '[[Manual:Extending wiki markup|Extended syntax]]',       'Extended syntax extensions' },
	filerepo            = { 'File repository',                                        'File repository extensions' },
	hook                = { '[[Manual:Hooks|Hook]]',                                  'Hook extensions' },
	interface           = { 'User interface',                                         'User interface extensions' },
	link                = { '[[Manual:Extending wiki markup|Link markup]]',           'Link markup extensions' },
	media               = { 'Media',                                                  'Media handling extensions' },
	mywiki              = { '[[Manual:Personalization|MyWiki]]',                      'Personalization extensions' },
	notify              = { 'Notify',                                                 'Notification extensions' },
	['page action']     = { '[[Manual:Parameters to index.php#Actions|Page action]]', 'Page action extensions' },
	parser              = { '[[Manual:Extending wiki markup|Parser extension]]',      'Parser extensions' },
	['parser function'] = { '[[Manual:Parser functions|Parser function]]',            'Parser function extensions' },
	pfunc               = { '[[Manual:Parser functions|Parser functions]]',           'Parser function extensions' },
	search              = { 'Search',                                                 'Search extensions' },
	skin                = { '[[Manual:Skins|Skin]]',                                  'Skin extensions' },
	special             = { '[[Manual:Special pages|Special page]]',                  'Special page extensions' },
	['special page']    = { '[[Manual:Special pages|Special page]]',                  'Special page extensions' },
	locale              = { '[[Manual:Localization|Locale]]',                         'Internationalization extensions' },
	tag                 = { '[[Manual:Tag extensions|Tag]]',                          'Tag extensions' },
	['user access']     = { '[[Manual:Security|User access]]',                        'User access extensions' },
	['user identity']   = { '[[Manual:Security|User identity]]',                      'User identity extensions' },
	['user rights']     = { '[[Manual:Security|User rights]]',                        'User rights extensions' },
	['user activity']   = { '[[Manual:Security|User activity]]',                      'User activity extensions' },
	variable            = { '[[Manual:Variables|Variable]]',                          'Variable extensions' },
	-- DEPRECATED TYPES (as per 2007-09 taxonomy discussion)
	category            = { 'Category',                                               'Category extensions',  deprecated = true },
	form                = { 'Form',                                                   'Form extensions',      deprecated = true },
	list                = { 'List',                                                   'List extensions',      deprecated = true },
	namespace           = { '[[Manual:Namespaces|Namespace]]',                        'Namespace extensions', deprecated = true },
	['table']           = { 'Table',                                                  'Table extensions',     deprecated = true },

-- DEPRECATED TYPES (multiple types handled via type1,type2,...)
local deprecatedTypes = {
	['link, tag, special'] = { 'link', 'tag', 'special' },
	['parser function, special'] = { 'parser function', 'special page' },
	['tag, parser function'] = { 'tag', 'parser function' },
	['tag, parser function, special'] = { 'tag', 'parser function', 'special page' },
	['tag, special'] = { 'tag', 'special page' },
	['parser, pfunc'] = { 'parser function' },
	['parser, hook, special'] = { 'tag' --[[ sic ]], 'hook', 'special' },

local function cat( title )
	return '[[Category:' .. title .. ']]'

local function tcat( title )
	return cat( title .. translation )

local function getType( str, str2 )
	local str = mw.ustring.lower( str )
	local cnf = types[str]
	local res
	if cnf then
		res = cnf[1] .. '[[Category:' .. cnf[2] .. translation .. ']]'
		if cnf.deprecated then
			res = res .. '\'\'-deprecated\'\'' ..
				tcat( 'Extensions with deprecated types' )
		cnf = deprecatedTypes[str]
		if cnf then
			local dtypes = {}
			for _, sstr in ipairs( cnf ) do
				table.insert( dtypes, getType( sstr ) )
			res = table.concat( dtypes, ', ' ) ..
				'<br />\'\'(deprecated, please use [[Template:Extension/doc#type|type1,type2'
			if #cnf > 2 then
				res = res .. ',type3'
			res = res .. ']] instead)\'\'' .. tcat( 'Extensions with deprecated types' )
		elseif str == '_missing_' then
			res = tcat( 'Extensions with invalid or missing type' )
		elseif str == '_demomode_' then
			if str2 then
				res = lang:ucfirst( str2 )
				res = "''unknown''"
			res = ( str or '\'\'unknown\'\'' ) ..
				' [[Template:Extension/doc#type|(\'\'\'\'\'invalid type\'\'\'\'\')]]' ..
				tcat( 'Extensions with invalid or missing type' )
	return res

local p = {}

function p.getTypes( frame )
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	local types = {}
	local params = {
		args.type1 or args['type'] or 'missing',
	for _, param in ipairs( params ) do
		if param == nil or mw.text.trim( param ) == '' then
		local param = mw.text.trim( param )
		if args.templatemode == 'nocats' then
			table.insert( types, getType( '_demomode_', param ) )
			table.insert( types, getType( param ) )
	return table.concat( types, ', ' )

function p.getType( frame )
	return getType( frame.args[1] )

return p